A few random musings...

Over the first 3 weeks of school, we've enjoyed a lot of random events. For example, the 2nd week of school, my kids had dentist appointments. Originally, the Berry kids were just going to stay home but, since it was a Monday morning, they followed their normal routine, forgetting that they could have slept in. We just took our work with us to the dentist. 

History and Bible reading on the back porch.
Although August is usually very hot in Texas (100-108 Fahrenheit, 40-42 Celsius), this year we had many mild days. The low 90's is considered pretty low by most of us at this point in the year. So, the kids and I took advantage of it. 

The kids have also spent a lot of time in the trees. 
Again, how do I get this to rotate? It's correct on my computer. :/
The red spot in the top (far right, in this view) is actually Rae.
