I'm currently leading the children in compiling a book of Names of God. We're using a guide to help us and looking up the scriptures in which God is referred to by each name. I wanted to share a little nugget that came from today's time.
Today we looked up the name, Master. In Luke 5:5, Jesus is referred to as Master by Simon Peter. Here is the verse:
Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. but because you say so, I will let down the nets." Luke 5:5
Let me give you the surrounding story. Simon Peter had been out trying to catch fish all night.It isn't clear who was with him but there were two boats that worked together. We are told that James and John are his partners. They had come ashore and Jesus got into one of the boats in order to go a little distance to preach to the crowd on shore. After preaching, he told Simon to go out into deep water and let down the nets.
Keep in mind, Simon Peter was a fisherman. He had made his living catching fish. Jesus was a carpenter (his occupation on earth). By worldly standards, he knew absolutely nothing about catching fish.
Simon replies as you see in verse 5. He doesn't argue or try to explain that he knows what he's doing and there aren't any fish. He doesn't huff and puff and lower the nets in a disgruntled manner. He simply says, "yes, Master, because you say so, I will."
The result is that Simon Peter witnesses a miracle. They pulled in so many fish that their nets began to break. They called the other boat to help. Both boats were so full of fish that they began to sink!
Upon this sight, Simon fell at Jesus' knees. Then Jesus says, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will catch men." Simon, James, and John left their boats on the shore and followed Jesus.
How many times do we receive direction from God and convince ourselves that we know better. Maybe somehow God doesn't have all the information we have. If he just saw it from our perspective, he'd see why His plan didn't make sense. Of course, a common response might be to assume that we didn't actually hear him correctly. We just need him to show us His will more clearly.
I've been there; in a position where I know exactly what God wants me to do and it makes absolutely no sense. I have only 2 options: do it His way or do it my way.
Our best response would be to mimic Simon in Luke 5:5, "Master,...because you say so, I will..."
It's probably not fishing but put your own specifics in the blanks: "I've been ______ all night (or all month, all year, however long), but because you say so, I will _______."
Do we really need any other info? Because He says so should be enough!
I might just hang this on my mirror, or maybe on the door. Maybe I'll plaster it all over the place. At a minimum, I've written Luke 5:5 on my heart.
"Master,...because you say so, I will..."
master because you say so, I will
ReplyDeletei love that you share your insights, and truths. Don't stop.......ever.
Love ya kiddo=)