in difficult times

Floyd and I have been raising missionary support for short term trips since 2010. Each year, the amount of money needed has increased; not because of inflation or the economy, but because our level of work has increased. The first year, Floyd went to Uganda and Raegan and I went to South Dakota, which was significantly less expensive. The next year, Floyd and I went to Uganda, then last year all 5 of us went to Uganda. Now, we're all going to Uganda again but we're staying more than twice as long. Interestingly, the economy has been in hard times since around 2008 (I think that's a fair estimate, but I'm not an expert on those matters), but we've always been funded. God has provided through His people to cover the cost of every trip. Of course, we've done our part by putting in deposits, paying for immunizations, and our personal expenses, but the majority of every trip has been funded by the support of God's people. 

I could give many Biblical reasons why God's people should support missions. I could tell you all sorts of stories about the suffering I've seen. Just to be clear, I've seen poverty in America and, if I'm being honest, it is nothing like the poverty I've seen in Uganda. Yes, people are poor here but the support system in America is totally different. Yes, the suffering needs to end on the whole earth. None of God's children should suffer while others are basking in a life of waste, but, even still, descriptions I could give you from Uganda would certainly pull a heart string. And if a verbal description isn't good enough, we've got plenty of photos and even some videos. 

Never the less, I don't want you to give to any mission out of guilt. I'd rather that you experienced the great joy of giving and come to know that you can never out give God. When you give to the Lord's work, you are making an eternal investment. You're meeting an immediate need and a future need. Not to mention that you are pleasing God. 

So, back to the title of my post. Even though we are experiencing some trying times here in America, we still live in a land of abundance. If you don't have what you need, you can call a charitable program, a church, or a government office and get some support. If you lose your job, you can probably get unemployment or find a new job pretty quickly. Now, I know that's easier said than done and it's likely that the new job won't be as good as the one you left, but you will most likely still eat. Not to mention that if you just stop paying your bills, you might lose some stuff- like a house, a car, or a credit line- but you won't be put into prison or made into a slave. 

Here's what I can say. In our time of dealing with Floyd's loss of a significant job more than once in the last 3 years, we've lost some things ourselves. And when I was no longer working, we lost even more. We did lose the house and the car. We have given up a lot but we're better off for it. During this time we have continued to support other missionaries and put whatever we can towards our own mission. To put down our mission trip deposit this year, we literally saved birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, and any other unexpected money we got for months. If our kids find a quarter, or any other change, it goes into the mission fund. 

We have NOT regretted a single bit of it. The joy of knowing we are participating in God's ultimate purpose for all of his people is more than we could ask for. My prayer is that you would come to know the same joy. Even in the midst of difficult times, you can find joy by taking the focus off of yourself. Putting your focus on God's plan and purpose will remind you that this is all temporary anyway. 

I don't want you to think that I'm just asking for support for our mission. I know many missions that are worthy. If you go to our church web page ( and click on "make a difference," you'll find many opportunities. Also, I have a friend who has an amazing prison ministry. I'd be glad to connect you if that is an area you are drawn to support. We have friends who are involved in aquaponics (it's simple but complicated, Google it or ask me to connect you to my friend and you can learn all about it). The point is, the options are limitless. I just encourage you to support something outside yourself. Rather than eating out one extra time this month, or once a week, give to impacting the Kingdom of God. Rather than going to one more movie or whatever you fill in the blank with, support a Kingdom changing ministry. If you're like us, you're thinking "yea, right, I can't even afford a movie or eating out." Believe me, I know the feeling. Last year, we ate beans and rice for 6 weeks and gave all of our extra grocery money to further the kingdom. I don't know what the answer is for you. Maybe it's giving $5 this month. It's not so much about the amount, but about the sacrifice to something outside yourself. 

Just go for it. I promise you won't regret it!
