For those that talk to me very often, they're probably tired of hearing me muse about how quickly time is passing by. Even now, I just can't believe that tomorrow is November 30th! Where does the time go? If you're older than me, I wonder if you think it ever slows down or does it pass by even more quickly? I do feel that it has gotten faster for me over the last several years.
This week has been filled with events. This Tuesday marked our 14th wedding anniversary! We celebrated last weekend because the kids were at my parents for the weekend. We had a fabulous dinner and saw the Thor movie. It was made even better because we found out a fun little detail about our movie Groupons. When Studio Movie Grill has their groupon available, we try to buy a few because it saves more than 50% off the regular movie price and their seating is very comfy. We don't usually eat and the drinks are cheaper than regular movie theater prices, so it's a good deal. For the first time ever, we had 2 groupons expire before we used them. We went to the theater this weekend planning to use the paid value and pay the difference. To our surprise, if you go to a matinee, they honor the groupon for the full price of the ticket, so we didn't have to pay anything for our movie!
As this is our last holiday season in the states, at least for the foreseeable future, we're trying to visit as much family as possible. For Thanksgiving, we went to Louisiana to visit Floyd's brother and his family. We had a great few days there. Dawn made a wonderful Cajun fried turkey for dinner. If you've never had that, look into it. It was a bit spicy for myself, but everyone enjoyed it. We are grateful to have had those few days with Jason and Dawn and there kiddos!
We had a little scare on Thanksgiving day. The children were all outside playing in the backyard and we had only a few hours until lunch would be served. Troy and Tyler were playing and, as often happens with brothers, they got a little carried away. Tyler ended up on the ground with Troy landing on top of him. Somehow, in the process, Tyler's arm was injured. He was in significant pain and the armed did have an odd look to it, so we decided to head to the ER to be safe. Fortunately, it didn't take long because they weren't too busy. They did a few x-rays and concluded that it was not broken. They put a brace on it and gave us some instructions. If it is not back to normal in a few days (up to a week), we are supposed to take him in again. They said it's possible that there is a fracture that they couldn't see. He hasn't complained too much and only requested medicine for the pain once today. He hasn't been able to move it much, but hopefully we'll see some significant improvement over the next few days. Otherwise, it's back to the doctor we'll go. :)
We had a little scare on Thanksgiving day. The children were all outside playing in the backyard and we had only a few hours until lunch would be served. Troy and Tyler were playing and, as often happens with brothers, they got a little carried away. Tyler ended up on the ground with Troy landing on top of him. Somehow, in the process, Tyler's arm was injured. He was in significant pain and the armed did have an odd look to it, so we decided to head to the ER to be safe. Fortunately, it didn't take long because they weren't too busy. They did a few x-rays and concluded that it was not broken. They put a brace on it and gave us some instructions. If it is not back to normal in a few days (up to a week), we are supposed to take him in again. They said it's possible that there is a fracture that they couldn't see. He hasn't complained too much and only requested medicine for the pain once today. He hasn't been able to move it much, but hopefully we'll see some significant improvement over the next few days. Otherwise, it's back to the doctor we'll go. :)
Floyd and I have been making strides on our training and preparation. We are really enjoying the process. Going through the different topics, requires us to talk about things that might not normally come up in conversation. For example, we recently had a detailed conversation about the difference between empathy and sympathy. While we may have all learned the difference, it is not something that we typically talk about. It was neat to discuss examples and thoughts on how these two things come up in our lives.
I pray that you each had a blessed Thanksgiving!
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