It's been a while since I posted an update. It seems that time is hurrying along and we're trying to enjoy the journey. We're sorting through things with 3 categories (or so): definitely going to UG with us, definitely being sold in the garage sale, or want to take it but we'll see if there's room.
Floyd landed in Uganda today (nearly 8 hours ago at the time I'm typing), so he'll be waking up for Friday morning any time now as we are getting ready to sleep (Uganda is 8 hours ahead of the US Central time). I must admit, driving him to the airport was a little difficult. I really wanted to be getting on a plane myself. I know, all in God's time. As crazy as it sounds, we actually only have 15 weeks left until our anticipated departure. That's less than a semester of school!
The Lord has really been growing us in our prayer life, for which we are so grateful. Floyd physically requires less sleep than I do and we have different routines of Bible time, prayer time, etc.; so we were not consistent with having a quiet time and praying together. We knew that devoted time together would be a blessing in more ways than we could imagine, but we just never got consistent.
A few weeks ago we just made a commitment to change this area of our lives. We just picked a simple devotional - it literally just gives one or two scripture references and poses a question or thought to discuss and includes enough for 100 days - and committed to doing it. We agreed that before bed worked best for us, as I usually go to sleep first, but Floyd could stop whatever he was doing for that time, and then get back to it if he wanted. We just set the rule that which ever one of us thinks of it or is ready to do it speaks up, and the other one will gladly stop what they're doing (not necessarily instantly, but at least within a few minutes). So far, there hasn't been a single night that we both forgot, and I'm sure it will get better as we continue to develop the habit. Since just one of us has to remember, the only night we missed was because Floyd wasn't home. Since he'll be in Uganda for nearly 2 weeks, we decided that when he has a good internet connection, we'll do our devotional and pray together using Google Hang Outs. We'll do that as many days as possible but just pick up our new "routine" once he gets back home.
If you are a married couple and do not have a regular time of prayer together, I encourage you to pick up some sort of simple prayer guide/devotional with which you could start. I really believe that the topic of the guide/devotional is of little significance and it doesn't even need to be made for couples. The important part is that it gets you talking and praying. We're just using one that we already had at the house. I just write down the date, question, and verse reference, and then some highlights of what we talk about and a list of our prayer topics. I think this lets us see the consistency but also lets us look back on what we've discussed. I would recommend something that is relatively short, so that you are less likely to skip it until you build a routine habit. Also, we find that we have plenty to talk about once the conversation starts and we have plenty to pray about, so just a starter question is sufficient.
Of course, if you're single and don't have a consistent habit of prayer, I'd also encourage you to take the same suggestion. Just start with something simple. I have enjoyed keeping a prayer journal because it allows me to keep my thoughts flowing and to look back over the years.
We look forward to continued growth in this area and appreciate the positive effects that we already see. If you have a routine or method that has consistently worked in your marriage, feel free to share it with us. We'd love to try other methods or specific guides/books once we complete what we already have.
Floyd landed in Uganda today (nearly 8 hours ago at the time I'm typing), so he'll be waking up for Friday morning any time now as we are getting ready to sleep (Uganda is 8 hours ahead of the US Central time). I must admit, driving him to the airport was a little difficult. I really wanted to be getting on a plane myself. I know, all in God's time. As crazy as it sounds, we actually only have 15 weeks left until our anticipated departure. That's less than a semester of school!
The Lord has really been growing us in our prayer life, for which we are so grateful. Floyd physically requires less sleep than I do and we have different routines of Bible time, prayer time, etc.; so we were not consistent with having a quiet time and praying together. We knew that devoted time together would be a blessing in more ways than we could imagine, but we just never got consistent.
A few weeks ago we just made a commitment to change this area of our lives. We just picked a simple devotional - it literally just gives one or two scripture references and poses a question or thought to discuss and includes enough for 100 days - and committed to doing it. We agreed that before bed worked best for us, as I usually go to sleep first, but Floyd could stop whatever he was doing for that time, and then get back to it if he wanted. We just set the rule that which ever one of us thinks of it or is ready to do it speaks up, and the other one will gladly stop what they're doing (not necessarily instantly, but at least within a few minutes). So far, there hasn't been a single night that we both forgot, and I'm sure it will get better as we continue to develop the habit. Since just one of us has to remember, the only night we missed was because Floyd wasn't home. Since he'll be in Uganda for nearly 2 weeks, we decided that when he has a good internet connection, we'll do our devotional and pray together using Google Hang Outs. We'll do that as many days as possible but just pick up our new "routine" once he gets back home.
If you are a married couple and do not have a regular time of prayer together, I encourage you to pick up some sort of simple prayer guide/devotional with which you could start. I really believe that the topic of the guide/devotional is of little significance and it doesn't even need to be made for couples. The important part is that it gets you talking and praying. We're just using one that we already had at the house. I just write down the date, question, and verse reference, and then some highlights of what we talk about and a list of our prayer topics. I think this lets us see the consistency but also lets us look back on what we've discussed. I would recommend something that is relatively short, so that you are less likely to skip it until you build a routine habit. Also, we find that we have plenty to talk about once the conversation starts and we have plenty to pray about, so just a starter question is sufficient.
Of course, if you're single and don't have a consistent habit of prayer, I'd also encourage you to take the same suggestion. Just start with something simple. I have enjoyed keeping a prayer journal because it allows me to keep my thoughts flowing and to look back over the years.
We look forward to continued growth in this area and appreciate the positive effects that we already see. If you have a routine or method that has consistently worked in your marriage, feel free to share it with us. We'd love to try other methods or specific guides/books once we complete what we already have.
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