(1) The last few days in the hotel

Well, last we updated we were still at Bulondo’s (the hotel) and weren’t sure when we’d be moving into the house. Then things got busy and we weren’t able to post. I’m sure there was plenty to share about, but there’s no way we could go back and post about every detail. Besides, if I did, it would never be read. I did write in my journal, so if you just want every detail, maybe you can read my journal when we’re back in town. Don’t worry, I’ll post plenty of highlights, just not everything.

The last few days that we were in the hotel, we had plenty of adventure. Davis (the driver) took us into some crazy parts of Kampala. They are just very busy, with pedestrians, bodas, and vehicles moving everywhere all at once.  One of the places Pastor Johnson had specifically warned us not to go in unless we had at least 4-6 Ugandans with us or more. Well, we went with just Davis. It was not intentional.

We told Davis what we needed to purchase and he drove. He parked the car and we started walking. We walked for blocks and blocks. We weaved between vehicles, sometimes in such tight spaces that I really thought I would not fit. Many of the drivers, especially the taxi drivers, do not have any patience and just want to be first, so they will roll right up on you and the car in front. I felt like a real Ugandan being in this part of town. We were the only Muzungus. I think sometimes people just say hi to us because they want to speak English to a westerner. It’s generally the same comments, “hello, how are you, I’m good (or fine), nice time.”

The last day Pastor Johnson actually took us into this area of Kampala. Again, we walked and walked, and found what we needed. Floyd actually bought a ladder, which made for a fun drive.

If it were safe, I would have taken out my camera to show you just how crowded the streets are, but I have to keep my eye on everything and not get separated from the leader, or step into a hole, or fail to hear the person coming quickly from behind carrying a heavy load, and so on and so on. J  

Here are the few pics that I was able to snap. 

The ladder fit. One way or another. 

They carry lots of things in ways I would never have tried.
