can I call him Farmer Floyd???

when you hear the term "bush country" do you have a visual of what that means?

The slashing (that's what they call mowing here) started out like this. I admit, in Uganda, even this machine is not normal. Most people just swing a machete, but we're not very practiced with that and we have a big compound.

We also did a little spraying to get some of the difficult areas.

Then, we had to graduate to more man power.

This is a commercial machine manufactured in South Africa for slashing.

In front of the dorms, we also had to get a "brush cutter" (like a weed eater).

Tyler's job was to grab any bricks, large rocks, debris, and other things that would get in the way.
Eventually it became a group project with all of us out there collecting bricks and debris. We also had to employ a few machetes to speed up the slashing.

It was worth it to have some clear area for playing, drying clothes, and walking to the latrines. It is also a bit safer because the snakes, rats, and other creatures can't come so close to the dorms.
