They called me by name!!! (and pics of recent fun)

Here in Uganda it is not common for someone to call you by name. You can know someone for months and never know their name. Usually adults just say ma’am or sir in the local language, Madame or master, etc. Or people are referred to by their title, like plumber, welder, butcher, etc. If you are around folks a lot, you might be referred to as Auntie or Uncle or Mama or Daddy.

On the property the adults generally know my name, but I’m frequently referred to as Madame, Mama, or my personal favorite, Madame Floyd. The children call me Mother of Troy, Mommy Tyler, or just a general Madame.

I know they’ve been told my name, but it just isn’t common for people to differentiate by using your personal name. This Saturday I got quite a surprise! I was carrying Edgar over to play with Monday near Madame Cook (Monday’s mom) when 3 of our boarding girls came walking down the path. As our paths were coming together, two of them started singing, “my friend Tamra, my friend Tamra.”

I looked at them with a puzzled look and was trying to determine if they were really saying my name. Then I greeted them and we went about our paths. It was confirmed when they sang the same song later in the day when I was at the dorms...they really were saying my name.

Later that same day, I was on the porch sitting with the littles and the boys were all playing with building blocks. They wanted to show me what they created but there were too many voices for me to look at them as quickly as they wanted. Suddenly, from all sides I was hearing, “Tamra, look…look, Tamra…Tamra, Tamra, Tamra…”

Again, I was shocked…they know my name.

It has now happened several times. Even once, one of the younger boys was a bit distraught and in his panic, he called out, “Muzungu!” because he wanted my help. I said, “Muzungu is not my name, is it?” Another boy said, “it’s Muzungu Tamra.” Of course, I told them they could call me Madame Tamra or Auntie Tamra, but not to call me Muzungu. :)

Here are several pics of our recent fun activities. 

Everyone really enjoys the lego like blocks I found in Kampala.
I decided to do a coloring project with the girls and they really enjoyed it.
You can see the finished products hanging in their dormitory. The girls were so proud of their work!
I was surprised when the boys wanted to do it as well. They worked very hard on their pictures.

I love having a yard full of kids. The details don't show up well, but at the moment of this pic there were kids on the porch with the plastic blocks, a group playing soccer, a group playing tether ball, and another group just running around. The gaga ball got popped this week, so the pit was empty. :/
