Tonight is Halloween. That really has nothing to do with my post, except I'm about to tell you about what is possibly the scariest moment of my life and it happened today. Now, I'm a little afraid to share this because some people might have been a little put out by our situation and me telling you the story will let you know that we were "that" car. But, I have to put it down for memory sake and for God's glory.
The boys' Halloween plans were cancelled because of the rain, so we were all home with nothing specific planned. My sister-in-law gave us passes for Studio Movie Grill a few days ago, so we decided to go to an afternoon showing. As we headed to the theater, the gas light came on in the truck we have been loaned. I planned to stop on Lake Forest, but forgot. The indicator still showed that we were a good portion above the red empty line, so I didn't think it was a problem. I figured it wasn't that far to the theater and the light had just come on, so I went on to the theater and planned to get fuel as soon as we left the theater.
We didn't make it. We had barely left the theater and were driving down 121 when the truck died. I kept rolling and got off the highway but we didn't make it to the fuel station on the corner. Floyd decided to get out with the boys and just push us to the station. Raegan felt guilty sitting in the car while I steered, so she also got out to push. It was completely dark now, about 7 pm, but we had our flashers on and were in the far right lane. Since there are 3 lanes on the service road, it should have been enough, but every time a car came up our lane for too long, I got nervous. We discussed calling for help, but the station was just ahead, so Floyd felt like they could push there pretty quickly.
Now, I'm steering and all 4 of my family members are behind this truck pushing it. I'm looking in the rear view mirror and I see yet another car closing in the gap behind us. This time, the car is not slowing down. I'm yelling and honking and praying for this person to see us but they still aren't slowing down at all. I kid you not that this car was coming so fast and was now so close that I am screaming and crying and brace myself for him to hit us. I am pretty sure that I even closed my eyes for the impact. I felt completely helpless because Floyd and the kids could not hear me yelling in panic because the wind and highway near by were too loud.
At the very last moment, the car suddenly swerved around us. I can't even describe the panic. I hear tires squeal and see a car suddenly veering across the lanes of traffic to avoid us. I believe I had closed my eyes at the last second because I was expecting an impact and then it was just bright light and I could hear the tires squealing. Now I'm relieved that my family wasn't just crushed but I'm watching in horror as I fear that this SUV is going to crash badly. After jerking the wheel to miss us, the car is headed towards the embankment on the side of 121, so they jerk the wheel to avoid that. The tires are squealing, the SUV spins, and is now headed for the curb in front of me and I'm terrified that they are going to hit that curb and roll. He jerks the wheel again and proceeds to spin in the other direction. The vehicle finally comes to a stop in the center lane but facing the opposite direction of traffic. Another car is in that lane and nearly hits him head on, but is able to switch lanes and avoid him. After two more cars nearly collide with him but miss, the wave of traffic has passed and there's a lull.
Floyd and the kids are on the side of the road in hysterics realizing they were just nearly crushed. All they experiences was the blinding headlights that were reflecting in their face, then as the tires squealed, they realize how close that car has gotten; especially Floyd who is on the inside of the lane, furthest from the curb.
By the time the SUV is stopped and the traffic has lulled, Floyd has recovered from the chaos of nearly getting taken out by a car and walks to the window of the SUV. He asks the driver if he's fine and he says he is, so Floyd tells him to move his car out of the road. He jumps the curb and parks in the grass just ahead of us. A woman pulls behind us thinking this car is a maniac going the wrong way. She isn't very helpful, only telling our kids that we should call 911 and ask for the courtesy help, and then getting back in her car and leaving.
We decide that Floyd, the kids, and the driver of the SUV are going to push the car into the grass and then the SUV driver will just take Floyd to the gas station. That was no easy feat because they had to get this gigantic truck up over the curb, but they did it. The young man also decided to drive Floyd back to us with the gas, instead of him just walking.
He was actually a very young guy. I'd say he was just a teen, but who knows. When he pulled up with Floyd, I went to the car and told him that I was grateful that he wasn't hurt. He informed me that he doesn't see very well at night and that he had only looked down for a moment and saw Floyd and the kids when he looked back up. He was grateful that he hadn't hit them. I told him that I was praying as I watched him trying to regain control of his car and that it was only by God's grace that he managed. He believes in the Lord as well, which is great, but if he hadn't we would have been sharing the gospel right there. :) He headed on to his evening plans.
We put in some fuel and drove to the station. As we sat there, we were still very shaken up. We discussed that God clearly still has plans for all of us. We also thought about how many blessings God has given tonight. We thought of the trauma for the next car that would have come on the scene, the officers that would have had to handle the accident, the boys family (because he probably would not have survived either), and so on. Even if he had avoided hitting us, but if he had not regained control or any of the other cars had not avoided him. My goodness, it was just too much! God had protected us all in many ways.
If you were one of the many passers-by, I'm sorry. Just be glad it wasn't worse and that you didn't have to experience the worst of it. And traffic wasn't halted by a major accident.
The boys' Halloween plans were cancelled because of the rain, so we were all home with nothing specific planned. My sister-in-law gave us passes for Studio Movie Grill a few days ago, so we decided to go to an afternoon showing. As we headed to the theater, the gas light came on in the truck we have been loaned. I planned to stop on Lake Forest, but forgot. The indicator still showed that we were a good portion above the red empty line, so I didn't think it was a problem. I figured it wasn't that far to the theater and the light had just come on, so I went on to the theater and planned to get fuel as soon as we left the theater.
We didn't make it. We had barely left the theater and were driving down 121 when the truck died. I kept rolling and got off the highway but we didn't make it to the fuel station on the corner. Floyd decided to get out with the boys and just push us to the station. Raegan felt guilty sitting in the car while I steered, so she also got out to push. It was completely dark now, about 7 pm, but we had our flashers on and were in the far right lane. Since there are 3 lanes on the service road, it should have been enough, but every time a car came up our lane for too long, I got nervous. We discussed calling for help, but the station was just ahead, so Floyd felt like they could push there pretty quickly.
Now, I'm steering and all 4 of my family members are behind this truck pushing it. I'm looking in the rear view mirror and I see yet another car closing in the gap behind us. This time, the car is not slowing down. I'm yelling and honking and praying for this person to see us but they still aren't slowing down at all. I kid you not that this car was coming so fast and was now so close that I am screaming and crying and brace myself for him to hit us. I am pretty sure that I even closed my eyes for the impact. I felt completely helpless because Floyd and the kids could not hear me yelling in panic because the wind and highway near by were too loud.
At the very last moment, the car suddenly swerved around us. I can't even describe the panic. I hear tires squeal and see a car suddenly veering across the lanes of traffic to avoid us. I believe I had closed my eyes at the last second because I was expecting an impact and then it was just bright light and I could hear the tires squealing. Now I'm relieved that my family wasn't just crushed but I'm watching in horror as I fear that this SUV is going to crash badly. After jerking the wheel to miss us, the car is headed towards the embankment on the side of 121, so they jerk the wheel to avoid that. The tires are squealing, the SUV spins, and is now headed for the curb in front of me and I'm terrified that they are going to hit that curb and roll. He jerks the wheel again and proceeds to spin in the other direction. The vehicle finally comes to a stop in the center lane but facing the opposite direction of traffic. Another car is in that lane and nearly hits him head on, but is able to switch lanes and avoid him. After two more cars nearly collide with him but miss, the wave of traffic has passed and there's a lull.
Floyd and the kids are on the side of the road in hysterics realizing they were just nearly crushed. All they experiences was the blinding headlights that were reflecting in their face, then as the tires squealed, they realize how close that car has gotten; especially Floyd who is on the inside of the lane, furthest from the curb.
By the time the SUV is stopped and the traffic has lulled, Floyd has recovered from the chaos of nearly getting taken out by a car and walks to the window of the SUV. He asks the driver if he's fine and he says he is, so Floyd tells him to move his car out of the road. He jumps the curb and parks in the grass just ahead of us. A woman pulls behind us thinking this car is a maniac going the wrong way. She isn't very helpful, only telling our kids that we should call 911 and ask for the courtesy help, and then getting back in her car and leaving.
We decide that Floyd, the kids, and the driver of the SUV are going to push the car into the grass and then the SUV driver will just take Floyd to the gas station. That was no easy feat because they had to get this gigantic truck up over the curb, but they did it. The young man also decided to drive Floyd back to us with the gas, instead of him just walking.
He was actually a very young guy. I'd say he was just a teen, but who knows. When he pulled up with Floyd, I went to the car and told him that I was grateful that he wasn't hurt. He informed me that he doesn't see very well at night and that he had only looked down for a moment and saw Floyd and the kids when he looked back up. He was grateful that he hadn't hit them. I told him that I was praying as I watched him trying to regain control of his car and that it was only by God's grace that he managed. He believes in the Lord as well, which is great, but if he hadn't we would have been sharing the gospel right there. :) He headed on to his evening plans.
We put in some fuel and drove to the station. As we sat there, we were still very shaken up. We discussed that God clearly still has plans for all of us. We also thought about how many blessings God has given tonight. We thought of the trauma for the next car that would have come on the scene, the officers that would have had to handle the accident, the boys family (because he probably would not have survived either), and so on. Even if he had avoided hitting us, but if he had not regained control or any of the other cars had not avoided him. My goodness, it was just too much! God had protected us all in many ways.
If you were one of the many passers-by, I'm sorry. Just be glad it wasn't worse and that you didn't have to experience the worst of it. And traffic wasn't halted by a major accident.
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