My daughter is communicating and encouraging a young girl that is struggling with depression and cutting and some other issues in her life. The interesting thing is that they've never met. They don't even live on the same continent. It just so happens that God made their paths cross on a social media site and this girl reached out to Raegan because she felt encouraged and hopeful by things that Raegan had posted.
You are loved. You don't need to change, or do better, or be better, or anything else. You are loved exactly as you are at this very moment. At every single moment. Whether it's a good moment or a bad moment, his love for you does not change.
I don't know what exactly will help you overcome this struggle beyond the love and grace of God, but I know that many people out there have overcome and they are available. They long to witness the same healing for others. They put themselves out there because, unlike me, they do know how to help you. Unfortunately, no one can help you if you don't reach out. Please grab onto the life line that others have put out there. I know it is difficult. I know you probably have a million emotions telling you not to do it. I am praying for you. I am praying that you'll do it.
If your struggle is like so many others, you'll probably have to reach out many times. That's okay. Just don't give up. I know it seems like giving up would be easier. And momentarily, it might be, but putting up the fight is always worth it in the end. I know that sometimes the good thing is the hardest. I know what I'm asking isn't easy, but I'm asking anyway. Because you are worth it. Life is worth it. The good things that God has prepared for you to do are worth it.
When you feel like you have no one around you to count on, don't give up. Look to the Lord. Play songs that bring you encouragement. Read books; I really get a lot from reading biographies. Pray. Let the tears flow. Exercise. I don't know what will work for you and it may be different depending on the day, but try something to pass the time. Just don't give up.
Especially for a young person, I know that you may feel trapped. Perhaps your parents aren't on your side. Perhaps they only make the problem worse. Perhaps they just tell you to get over it. We parents make mistakes; unfortunately, some are way worse than others. I know that you feel like you have no hope because you are stuck with those exact parents. I just encourage you to reach out to people where ever you can. Find things that you can do that bring you some joy and let the years pass without giving up. It may seem like a lifetime away, but eventually, you will be able to go your own way. It will be hard, no matter how bad your feelings are, but you will be able to move on. I would guess that telling you to just hold on doesn't sound like much help, but I'm a realist. I know that sometimes all we can do is hold on.
Maybe in the future you'll realize that you and your folks just went through a rough phase. Unfortunately, it's also possible that you'll realize that they really don't have their stuff together and, they may have done what they thought was best, but it really wasn't good. Even worse, maybe they didn't even think about what was best for you; maybe they didn't think at all and just completely blew the role of a parent. Either way, I know that you can find a way through it all and reach a good place. I've seen too many people walk through way too many horrendous things; I've heard too many terrifying testimonies; I've seen too many cries of relief and joy to believe anything less than that you can also get there.
Raegan has shared this with me because she really feels a burden for this girl and she struggles because we don't have good internet or electricity, so she can't always respond to her messages in a reasonable time. This situation breaks my heart because I also wish I could help. Of course, I know that so many people also struggle with similar issues, so this is what I'd say if I could talk to this girl and it's true for every single person (obviously it's not an exact quote, but more just an outpouring of thoughts and feelings). :)
You are beautifully and wonderfully made. There is nothing "wrong" with you. The One True God created you with a purpose. He prepared good things for you to do before you were even born. He put you on this earth at this exact time and in the exact spot that you are in. Though you feel lost or confused, he is not taken by surprise at all. You may feel alone, but you are not. This world is difficult. Bad things happen because this is a fallen world. God will not remove all of our struggles, but he will walk through them with us. He will be your strength and your comforter.
You are loved. You don't need to change, or do better, or be better, or anything else. You are loved exactly as you are at this very moment. At every single moment. Whether it's a good moment or a bad moment, his love for you does not change.
I don't know what exactly will help you overcome this struggle beyond the love and grace of God, but I know that many people out there have overcome and they are available. They long to witness the same healing for others. They put themselves out there because, unlike me, they do know how to help you. Unfortunately, no one can help you if you don't reach out. Please grab onto the life line that others have put out there. I know it is difficult. I know you probably have a million emotions telling you not to do it. I am praying for you. I am praying that you'll do it.
If your struggle is like so many others, you'll probably have to reach out many times. That's okay. Just don't give up. I know it seems like giving up would be easier. And momentarily, it might be, but putting up the fight is always worth it in the end. I know that sometimes the good thing is the hardest. I know what I'm asking isn't easy, but I'm asking anyway. Because you are worth it. Life is worth it. The good things that God has prepared for you to do are worth it.
When you feel like you have no one around you to count on, don't give up. Look to the Lord. Play songs that bring you encouragement. Read books; I really get a lot from reading biographies. Pray. Let the tears flow. Exercise. I don't know what will work for you and it may be different depending on the day, but try something to pass the time. Just don't give up.
Especially for a young person, I know that you may feel trapped. Perhaps your parents aren't on your side. Perhaps they only make the problem worse. Perhaps they just tell you to get over it. We parents make mistakes; unfortunately, some are way worse than others. I know that you feel like you have no hope because you are stuck with those exact parents. I just encourage you to reach out to people where ever you can. Find things that you can do that bring you some joy and let the years pass without giving up. It may seem like a lifetime away, but eventually, you will be able to go your own way. It will be hard, no matter how bad your feelings are, but you will be able to move on. I would guess that telling you to just hold on doesn't sound like much help, but I'm a realist. I know that sometimes all we can do is hold on.
Maybe in the future you'll realize that you and your folks just went through a rough phase. Unfortunately, it's also possible that you'll realize that they really don't have their stuff together and, they may have done what they thought was best, but it really wasn't good. Even worse, maybe they didn't even think about what was best for you; maybe they didn't think at all and just completely blew the role of a parent. Either way, I know that you can find a way through it all and reach a good place. I've seen too many people walk through way too many horrendous things; I've heard too many terrifying testimonies; I've seen too many cries of relief and joy to believe anything less than that you can also get there.
I think this person said it very well: Promise Me Tomorrow.
One memory comes to my mind. During a personal struggle several years ago, I didn't feel loved. I didn't feel wanted. Fortunately, I had heard it enough to know that God does love me. So, I took out my journal and a pen and I just started writing, "I am loved. I am loved. God loves me. I am loved...." I filled a page or two. The act of physically writing made my mind stay focused. It could not run off on tangents or try to argue with me. I knew the truth and I wasn't going to let it go. The same is true for you. You are loved! Don't let that go.
I am joining you and Reagan in lifting this young girl and all others that feel so unloved that they are hurting themselves physically to override the emotional pain! I agree with your recommendations! We have to rely and hold onto God's promises and listen to His voice! It is the voice of the enemy that tells us the lies!