Water Park Baptisms - Field Trip #3

Last year we had hoped to do a special field trip for 6th grade but there were so many obstacles that it just never happened. This year, many of those obstacles were not in play (elections, construction, etc.), so we got to follow through.

Two weeks ago, we had our special field trip. It was special because it included baptism for any child who wanted it. About 2 months ago, the students who expressed a desire to be baptized started staying after school for an extra hour twice a week. The pastor from AIM’s church went through the lessons that he does with anyone in the church who wants to get baptized.

Remember, 6th grade is the end of primary school, so the students have to move to another school for 7th grade. Our first 6th grade class was last year, so we stay connected with them and have processes in place to help them through secondary school but it is a work in progress. Because we never got to have this special field trip for our 2018 class, we also invited them. They had their lessons on a couple Saturdays and were ready for baptism at the same time.

When the big day came, we took all the 6th graders to a local water park for the special event. We also got permission for our former students to be absent from their secondary school on that day and many of our school leadership and their former teachers came as well. 17 kids were baptized!!! They were baptized in the lazy river at the water park, which just goes to show how resourceful Khmer can be. After the baptisms, we spent a few hours just enjoying the park.

Of course, I don't have any pictures of the kids to share because their privacy is of highest priority. At some point, we might have photos cleared by our media team, but until then, use your imagination. The water in front of this photo is the lazy river we baptized in. :)
