Every year in September or October there is a major holiday that takes over Cambodia - Pchum Ben. The dates change a bit because it is based on the lunar calendar. The holiday officially lasts for 15 days.
During this time it is believed that the gates of hell open and the spirits of your ancestors can move around. Some will end their time in purgatory and some will leave hell temporarily. Families must go to the pagodas to make offerings and prayers in order to help or appease the last 7 generations of ancestors.
Many people travel back to their homeland in order to participate in the necessary traditions. This makes a visible change in the capital city because there are fewer cars and motos moving around. Also, you see the gift baskets for sale everywhere - street shops and supermarkets alike.
This time of year can be very challenging for Cambodian Christians because they are caught between the struggle of fulfilling family obligations and honoring their personal beliefs as followers of Christ. Many Christians have discussed a significant feeling of spiritual heaviness and darkness during this time of year.
This video gives a visual glimpse of the holiday ceremony.
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